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How do I import things ?

The most maintainable way to import other terms and properties is to use Ontofox ( And it works like this:

  • You select an Ontology e.g. GO under (1)
  • You type in an valid term IRI e.g under (2)
  • You specify what you want to import e.g. all annotations or all axioms or both under (3)
  • Then you have the option to download the .owl file directly or download a so called input file. The second option is preferred because then it's easier to update the terms after some time. For that download the input .txt file and store it in the InputFiles folder of the ontologies repo.
  • Then follow the instructions at the very bottom of the page and store the .owl file in the OutputModules folder If you have the .owl file in the OutputModules folder you can go to protege and on the starting page of Protege and at the bottom there is the option ‘direct imports’ and there you can import from file. After that you can drag and drop the term to the correct position.